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Yoga can be an awesome tool for getting out of the thinking mind and into the body. It could look like a series of movements, strung together in a flow (vinyasa) or something more slow and gentle with long holds in the poses (yin). Alternatively it could look more like interpretations of shaking, moving, wiggling and jiggling. Whether you're a seasoned ashtangi or a total newbie, the style of yoga that we will do on board will be fun, trauma informed and totally different. The invitation is to get to know your own body, mind and spirit better. 


Breathwork is making quite a name for itself in the wellness circles at the moment, from the Wim Hof method to Holotropic Breathing to Pranayama, it can feel like a bit of a minefield. So what is Breathwork?


Put simply, it is the manipulation of the breath through different techniques to vary the length of the breath and the balance between the inhale and the exhale. It may include breath holding. 

Bringing conscious awareness to the breath can promote either a calmer or more energised state depending on the style of the breathing exercises used. In this way breathwork is one of the greatest 'state shifters' in our human tool kit. With increasing amount of scientific research out there to prove that utilising breathwork as part of a daily practise can  reduce overall stress levels!

Therefore we hope to explore different methods of breathwork, from the more performative Oxygen Advantage lens to a more relaxed technique on all Mara trips so you will  be able to take what aligns with you away back into your daily life, and reap the potential rewards. 

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A woman sat outside in Scotland meditating, with her eyes closed and hand on her heart


Come take a moment and invite stillness into the body. The style of meditation we do on board combines mindfulness with body connection, this style of meditation can be very accessible to participants. It invites you to accept  your wandering mind and to turn focus towards the senses, the body and the space around you. 

Some sage burning

Cacao Ceremony

Cacao is raw chocolate high in antioxidants and magnesium. For centuries it has been used by cultures in South America as a plant medicine and 'heart opener.' Onboard all Mara Adventures trips we will be partaking in a cacao ceremony, where we will intentionally drink a delicious hot cacao followed by guided breathwork and movement in conjunction with a full moon! This can be potent, as we sit in circle, witness each other and release anything that is no longer serving us! 

Shake the Dust

Shake the Dust is a class unlike any other. A HIIT class but deep. Where somatics, deep rest, free movement, breathwork, meditation and yoga meet.  This class is designed to get you out of your mind and into your body. You will move and groove your way through a carefully curated playlist. Either in containers (like squats, burpees or cardio moves) or in freedom. A space and time to process what is going on for you right now and a deep invitation to move with whatever is present for you in your body. This class will suit seasoned yogis and total newbies alike and is suitable for all ages and stages in all bodies and genders. Expect a workout, a lot of fun and some rest a long the way. I am teaching one online class and one in person class a week. 

To book on click the link below. 

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